Wednesday, February 4, 2009


yo, 30th!!! this blog has been "dead" for a long i decided to post a new post!!!

ok, right, updates!!!!

1. disco night: 12/2 at NYJC- those who can make it, please inform inez..

2. some of our guys go for national service!!! JIA YOU GUYS!!

3. the formation of HAPPY CLUB!!!! all 30th will automatically be members of the club and everyone will recieve a joke from me at the start of every month..

ok, for those who missed the 1st two jokes, here they are:

a) who did i see? ans: o because "oh, i see"

b) i and u, who scream? ans: i because "ice-cream"

that's for now... (someone, please update this blog!!)
