Friday, May 23, 2008

Investiture & KBOX Party 2!! ^^ + Mahjong Party @ AHM's house!!

Hi guys, Zhizhi's here again to update!!

20 May 2008, Tuesday
Thanks Zul for the wonderful video during the Investiture!! We love you a lot!! And, I look forward to the 20 minute video... I think I will cry cos I've been holding back my tears during the Investiture.

Btw, the Investiture ended and we had a photo session with the 29th and 31st...!! Please send us the photos you have taken to me!!!! ^^ Zhizhi hereby thank you first alright!!

Btw, we went HOME to have some enjoyable time together right? The photos are with Zulhafiz so you guys can grab it from him!! I believe we have a very good time and we have our council songs!! One is 'Wo ai de ren' and another song is by Mayday ,"Li kai di qiu biao mian"!! Everyone in council should learn this two songs and we can go enjoy again!! ^^ The next gathering will be in JUNE!!

23 May 2008, Friday
Hey peeps! We're done with GP! Be it good or bad, let's all work hard for the other subjects!! WHOOSH! Btw, I have a fufilling Sakae Sushi buffet before making my way to AHM's house!!Played real mahjong for the first time with Chuyi, Lynn, Eugene, SK and AHM! ^^ So high!!

AHM's mommy is so fun-loving and hip!! ^^ The modern mom that every teenager will want!! She shares relationship stuff and motivates us in our work!! I think I will really go to AHM's house really often!! ^^

Let's all work hard and excel in our Mids alright! All the council work did really pull us down in academics but we must excel and to live up the name of a councilor!! I LOVE MY 30TH! (""V"")

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