Tuesday, May 27, 2008


Hey all! Zulhafiz is here to update! haha! I know, its been quite a while, one week in fact, since our step down, but heyy sorry laaa I had no time to update this blog as YET so taking time off that horrible Chem SPA to do some updating! Here are the pictures from Tuesday's KBOX! =D Grab it if u want! hahaha... some lovely pictures there! YAY!

Lynn looking lost and dazed as she just watched the TV listening to Chu Yi sing. Apparently she was paying very close attention to the lyrics when she heard Chu Yi sing very well to the melodies of Stephanie Sun. Lynn, don't emo! HAHA!
Eugene showing us all what he's got! =D Sing eugene sing! He looks like a rock star in this picture don't u guys think so? HAHA!
The people from another room posing as they sang a Chinese song. They look like they're enjoying themselves!

Bao Zhu and Eunice posing! Never mind that they can't sing, just come here show face can already! Ehhh noooo, that wasnt the case OK! HAHA! Bao Zhu and Eunice sang to their hearts content, and they did really well at it!

As the whole group proceeded into one room, they sang three chinese songs! Just look at the huge smiles on their faces!

Singing "Wo Ai De Ren" I wonder why they're all looking so solemn! =O Is the song supposed to be like that? hahaha...

Okay, everyone up now, the fun part's coming! GET READY!
AND JUMP JUMP JUMP to Mayday's "Li Kai Di Qiu Bian Miao"
yi ke xin bu tong bu tong de
kuang tiao yi shun jian fan nao fan nao fan nao quan wang diao
wo zai ye bu yao zai ye bu yao
wei qu zi ji yi miao
The sound of a heart’s laughter spreads around the world with crazy jumping, in one moment all worries are forgotten!
Haha, its no wonder the councillors love this song alot! It talks about the throwing away of any sad stuff and just living the day happily! YAY! I didnt know about the existance of this song at all, but well now I do! HAHA! Okay thats all for now! more updates soon!
In the meantime, happy studying for SPA and mid years councillors! Physics and Bio SPA down, and we're left with Chem SPA and mid years, so MUST jia you alright? We must show that we are capable of performing to our best! 30th will be the BEST! YAY!

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